Saturday, January 2, 2016

Amsterdam: Mildest December in three centuries

Amsterdam has just experienced its mildest December month in three centuries.  Quite a change from the December months I remember from my youth.

In fact, most recent winters have been relatively mild.  Some years it has hardly snowed.  And more often than not the canals are not frozen over.

Iconic Amsterdam: Prinsengracht with bikes, houseboats and the Westertoren. Photo by Anton Hein.

This photo, taken in January 2013, is of the Prinsengracht.  In the distance is the Westertoren -- the tower that is part of the Westerkerk.  Though connected, it was built later than the church itself, and is in fact a separate entity.

If you've read the Diary of Anne Frank you know the she notes hearing the bells of the Westertoren from within her hiding place.

I was born on Prinsengracht, the outermost of Amsterdam's famous 'ring of canals.' My parents had a small houseboat, similar to the ones in the photo, that was moored right across from the tower.

I still very much enjoy walking along this picturesque canal and in the surrounding neighborhoods.

- Anton Hein